Apr 03, 2023Anne Grundahl

We want to enter more into the fight to take the speed out of the clothing business. We will do this by designing small collections continuously in deadstock material - we call them Waves.

We make the Waves to get closer to the market and become sharper at designing the things that are needed out there. The clothes are primarily made in Deadstock material, which means that we can offer some of the best materials on the market, but still keep our prices. This also means that there will be a limited number in the various materials.

Deadstock material is surplus material that lies unused or dead. Often it is about the fact that too much has been produced. Overproduction is one of the biggest problems in the clothing industry. Both when it comes to the production of the finished piece of clothing, and the production of materials.

Therefore, it means a lot to us to use materials that have already been produced. In this way, we can reduce the resource footprint of our products.

You can now sign up for the waiting list for our very first wave which lands in May and be the first to be notified when they land. See the three unique models here

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